Herbal Tea 81: Asthenospermia: Causes, Consequences, Treatment

Asthenospermia: Causes, Consequences and Treatment. Discover the best remedy to cure asthenospermia. Here you have excellent plants to heal asthenospermia in a few time.

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What is Asthenospermia? Asthenospermia: definition, symptoms and treatment, Asthenozoospermia what causes it?,

Asthenospermia Treatment: Causes and Symptoms?, Causes and treatments of asthenospermia

 What is asthenospermia?

Asthenospermia is an infertility condition in which a person experiences reduced sperm motility. Sperm motility describes the ability of sperm to “swim” through the female reCauses and treatments of asthenospermiaproductive tract to reach the egg. Asthenozoospermia is a condition in which a person has zero sperm motility. It is also accompanied by oligospermia, and is typically seen in patients with defects in sperm morphology. Furthermore, sperm levels tend to be  higher in patients suffering from asthenospermia.

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Causes of Asthenozoospermia: Causes, Consequences, Treatment

There are several causes of Asthenozoospermia. Here are some of the causes mentioned below:

  • Inflammation : If you have any inflammatory disease in your sperm duct, prostate gland, or in any other parts of your reproductive organ then this will result in low sperm motility. These diseases have some microorganisms that will directly affect your sperm and their motility. It will also reduce the speed of travelling of your sperms and its ability to fertilize the egg.
  • Varicocele: This is a condition in which the veins of your scrotum become enlarged. This is one of the major causes of Asthenozoospermia among men.
  • Abnormal semen liquefaction: This condition reduces the spaces inside your sperm ducts and obstructs the movements and the activity of your sperms.

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Therefore, low sperm motility is a very critical reason for male infertility. The number of motile sperms you should have after ejaculation is 70 percent. If the percentage of ejaculation is below 40 percent, then it will be termed as Asthenozoospermia. However, you can still achieve pregnancy by using our excellent remedy for the improvment.

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 Symptoms Asthenospermia: Causes, Consequences, Treatment

Asthenospermia is frequently found during a semen analysis as part of a fertility assessment even though it may not have any obvious symptoms.While asthenospermia does not have any apparent symptoms, couples may have trouble becoming pregnant or conceiving. Natural conception may be more difficult if the sperm have decreased motility because they may have a harder time getting to the egg and fertilizing it. If a couple is having trouble becoming pregnant, it is critical to get a thorough fertility assessment. For a skilled fertility expert to correctly identify asthenospermia, a semen study must be performed.

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Treatment of asthenospermia

Implementing healthier lifestyle habits is a good first step at treating asthenospermia, including quitting smoking, reducing drinking, and eating a well-balanced diet. However, we have an excellent treatment that cures all problems related to male sperm especially asthenospermia. The treatment improves the quality and quantity of sperm in a short time.

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