Herbal tea 110: Natural Remedy to Shrink Fibroids completly

Natural Remedy to Shrink Fibroids. Here you’ll find the best remedy to get rid of fibroids completly. Find more solution on this page.


Natural Remedy to Shrink Fibroids.Shrink Fibroids with Plants New Solution is highly recommend to get rid of fibroids in 14 days no side effects.

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Natural Remedy to Shrink Fibroids

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Herbal tea 110: Natural Remedy to Shrink Fibroids

The product

Free Recipe to Shrink Fibroids completly. The uterine fibroid killer is available. Made  of medicinal plants, clay and oil precious is very effective to shrink every fibroids, every myoma, big or small. It is the best remedy for purify every thing in femall uterus.The Cream for external and internal tumor absorbs, adsorbs, softens, chow internal and external tumors fibroids, ovarian cysts, myomas, sebaceous cysts, warts, corns, etc. This is an ointment made from plants, clays special products for dry fibroids, myomas and others.

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Technical sheet

Weight 25g
compositions plant ingredients
properties Astringent, emollient, absorbent, adsorbent, antiviral, antiseptic, etc.
indications Fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibroids, sebaceous cysts, warts, corns, blocked tubes, etc.
Active subtances Tannins, glycoside, sterols, etc.
Presentation Ointment pot
Manual Read leaflet
Side effects no
Duration of treatment Three months with 6 jars
Price 30 euro

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-Pommade in 25ml pot


Extracts of plants ..

Shea butter, cumin oil, castor oil, clay, etc.

Active subtances

Astringent, emollient, absorbent, adsorbent, antiviral, antiseptic, etc.

Price: 30 €

Therapeutic effects of the Herbal tea 110: Free Recipe to Shrink Fibroids completly.

The ointment purifies, absorbs, adsorbs, softens the internal and external tumors


Fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibroids, sebaceous cysts, warts, corns, etc. The cream also leads the tubes.


Read leaflet

Please visithttps://www.ewebio.com

Fibroids and tumors, how to remove them naturally? You have the cure here. Please find the ideal solution to absorb the fibroids.

Cream for dry, remove and remove benign tumors: fibroids, fibroids, cysts, polyps, corns, warts. The cream is a special ointment that

dries tumors. You have the cure here. Please find the ideal solution to absorb the fibroids.


Fibroids fibroids, how to get rid quickly without drinking nothing like tea without Surgery. Please discover the miracle cure that dries.


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Mail: worlatif@gmail.com

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