Herbal tea 33: Diabetes Causes Consequences Treatment

Diabetes: Causes, Consequences and Treatment. Discover herbal tea to cure diabetes in a few time. Exellent remedy for blood regulation.

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This chronic disease, which currently affects many people, continues to grow worldwide. Diabetes develops when the body is no longer able to produce insulin. What is diabetes? What are the first signs? How is it treated?

Diabetes: causes, manifestations, consequences and treatment.

What are the types of Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes, each characterized by a malfunction of insulin. This famous hormone essential to the proper functioning of cells, regulates the level of glucose in the blood.

In diabetes, glucose (provided by sugar in the diet) is poorly assimilated, as the body is unable to use these sugars normally. This results in hyperglycemia: the level of glucose in the blood is too high. This unstable blood sugar level causes imbalances, leading to serious disorders throughout the body.

To verify the presence of diabetes in a patient, a blood glucose test is carried out in the laboratory. The condition is confirmed if the blood glucose level is at least 1.26g/l, after two fasting samples have been taken. With a result of at least 2g/l, whatever the time of day, the person is diabetic.

While there is no clear cause for type 1 diabetes, there are several possible explanations for type 2: poor diet is the primary cause, compounded by a sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition.

Today, around 38% of diabetics in Europe remain undiagnosed. Unbalanced diet, overweight, harmful environment… Our lifestyles are under the spotlight, and the emphasis is on better communication about healthy living to preserve health.

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What are the symptoms of diabetes ?

Type 1 diabetes is usually revealed by a sudden onset of symptoms. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is often detected by chance. Common symptoms include the following:

The need to urinate more frequently, day and night;
Increased thirst;
Increased appetite but decreased body weight;
Fatigue, drowsiness;
Impaired, blurred vision.
Other warning symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and unpleasant, fruity-smelling breath. The evolution of untreated diabetes leads to complications, which can have numerous consequences on all parts of the body: the kidneys, the heart, the nervous system, the eyes, and so on.

These include increased risk of kidney failure, myocardial infarction, stroke and blindness. Over time, hyperglycemia alters small blood vessels, affecting many organs. Damage to the foot or leg, usually harmless, can take on worrying proportions as a result of diabetes: healing is slowed down, and late treatment can lead to gangrene and amputation. While this is an extreme case, the risks involved in day-to-day life should not be overlooked, and you need to adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

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Therapeutic Effects of Diabetes Causes Consequences Treatment

Traditional Medicines derived from medicinal plants are used by population. This herbal is used in the treatment of diabetes, especially . Diabetes is an important human ailment afflicting many from various walks of life. The product  allows to reduce the ill effects of diabetes and its secondary complications. Some medicinal plants with proven antidiabetic and related beneficial effects and of herbal drugs used in treatment of diabetes. These include, Allium , Phyllanthus amarusPterocarpus marsupiumTinospora cordifolia. Therefore information would be more beneficial on antioxidant properties effects of these medicinal plants.

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Diabetes: a person pricks his finger with a blood glucose meter
So, which anti-diabetes plants are effective? How can plants help reduce diabetes? What are the powerful hypoglycemic plants? In this guide, we’ve selected the best plants for lowering blood sugar levels. Because there is such a thing as a plant to combat diabetes. Don’t believe it? You may have been told “you have to learn to live with your diabetes”, but we don’t quite agree. You can get better, there are solutions, and we’re going to help you get there. If you’re reading this guide, you’re on the right track. Take heart!

For positive results, you need to buy products containing a sufficient quantity of active ingredients. Not all products on the market and not all sellers are equal, so be careful not to be taken in. High-quality natural anti-diabetes plants are very powerful and effective. Nature is full of resources: think naturopathy and phytotherapy to reduce blood sugar levels without chemical drugs. Of course, medical supervision is recommended for diabetics, particularly in cases of doubt or increased dosage. An appropriate diet is also essential to maximize the effect of the plants.


Gymnema leaves in a basket next to sugar in a bowl: Gymnema (gymnema sylvestris) is a powerful and effective hypoglycemic plant of great renown. In India, gymnema is called “Gurmar”, which means “sugar destroyer”. Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, this natural plant is an effective way of maintaining optimal blood glucose levels, thanks to the gymnemic acid it contains.

Several scientific studies have highlighted the benefits of gymnema in regulating blood sugar levels [1, 2]. Its unique active ingredient (gymnemic acid) helps reduce sugar absorption and improves insulin secretion, enabling glucose to be better assimilated by the cells that need it (normal pancreatic function). It also regulates appetite and reduces sugar cravings.

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Studies [3, 4] have tested this plant for 20 months on non-insulin-dependent and insulin-dependent diabetic patients. In both cases, gymnema-based dietary supplements (400 mg/day titrated to 24% gymnemic acid) were administered at the same time as their standard treatment, with daily monitoring of their blood sugar levels.

During gymnema supplementation, patients showed a significant reduction in glycemia, glycated hemoglobin and glycated plasma protein. In addition, insulin requirements were reduced for fasting blood glucose levels in insulin-dependent individuals.

As a result, the dosage of conventional medication was reduced for the patients in the study, and around 25% of them were able to discontinue their conventional treatment and maintain glycemic homeostasis with the dietary supplement alone.

These studies also concluded that pancreatic beta cells can be regenerated and repaired in type 2 diabetic patients who supplement with gymnema.

To consume gymnema, we therefore recommend choosing a product with a minimum 24% titration in gymnemic acid, starting with a dosage of 400 mg per day, which can be increased if necessary.

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