Les meilleurs conseils pour tomber enceinte naturellement et rapidement

How to get pregnant fast? Here are the 10 tips to get pregnant naturally and quickly. No fear and no preconceived ideas. The tips are simple, practical and easy to follow. Be positive, these are little tips to boost fertility. But, it takes two to procreate. You are a woman, you need a man of reproductive age. You are a man, you need a woman who is of legal age to carry a pregnancy. No sexual act, no natural pregnancy. For more advice or precision please contact the Afrique Santé Bio center and discuss with Mr. Latifou



How to get pregnant fast

How to get pregnant fast

1-Take the right position: How to get pregnant fast

Normally, there is no preferred position to get pregnant. However, when pregnancy takes a long time to come, it is necessary to change your behavior to boost fertility by playing with gravity, and to do so, you should prefer positions where ejaculation takes place as close as possible to the cervix, such as the missionary position, the spoon position or even better, the doggy style. On the other hand, the Andromache position and face to face are not recommended. In general, avoid positions where you are on top of your man. The sperm will tend to run out rather than up to the egg.

The man should resume the divine position, woman down and man up, to help the sperm take advantage of gravity and move quickly down to the cervix. Romantic love does not count anymore here, but the ideal gesture, the ideal position to get pregnant. How to get pregnant quickly?

2-Having an orgasm: How to get pregnant fast

Achieving orgasm facilitates sperm migration but it is not mandatory to get pregnant. Take your time and have the ideal intercourse with extreme pleasure, the vaginal environment needs it and it can help the spermatozoa. Indeed, the contractions of the vagina caused by the orgasm would help the spermatozoa to go up to the cervix.

3-Handstand after sex: How to get pregnant fast

Right after sex, it would be advisable to stand up and keep your legs in the air for a few minutes or place a pillow under your buttocks to keep the sperm closer to the cervix. If you don’t want to do this, wait at least ten minutes before getting up again: this is the time needed for the spermatozoa to reach the cervix. This is the time it takes for the sperm to reach the cervix, so you should at least lie on your back to help the spermatozoa migrate inside.  Normally these things do not matter for getting pregnant, but when pregnancy does not come after two years of living together, these tips should be taken into account. For more advice or precision please contact the Afrique Santé Bio center and discuss with Mr. Latifou

4-Make love at the right frequency: HHow to get pregnant fast

One sexual act is enough to get pregnant under normal circumstances. This is true in normal times, but if pregnancy does not come, the couple should avoid isolated encounters where the man and woman meet just for the pregnancy. There are conflicting opinions about the ideal frequency of intercourse to get pregnant. Most gynecologists advise against having sex every day. The sperm would not have time to regenerate and, as a result, would be of poorer quality.

On the other hand, having tested and approved the technique, couples recommend daily sex during the fertile period. And if you are sure to ovulate on a specific date, some even suggest having sex twice on D-day to increase your chances of getting pregnant. How to get pregnant quickly?

5-Consume evening primrose oil or olive oil to get pregnant

Evening primrose oil and olive oil are rich in vitamin E and help regulate the menstrual cycle and cervical mucus. Herbal tea 050 is a sperm booster and herbal tea 60 facilitates conception. Please do not neglect herbal teas 50 for men and 60 for women. The combination of the two teas has helped many couples to have children naturally.

6-Watch the moon: How to get pregnant fast

In the Guide bio de la future maman (éditions Anagramme), the author Geneviève Hervé-Loisier recommends that women with a disturbed ovarian cycle sleep in a room with open shutters. Exposure to the natural light of the moon would, according to her, promote the return to a regular cycle and ovulation. According to a popular belief, having sex on a full moon night during a fertile period increases the chances of getting pregnant. You are free to believe or not to believe, but try it because it can bring you luck.

7-Drink a small glass of alcohol before having sex

Alcohol is a good blood thinner but not abused. Once pregnant, no more alcohol. Red wine is good for your health, white wine stimulates sperm and makes them strong, while champagne increases fertility. A small glass of champagne before making love promotes fertilization. Please do not abuse it. How to get pregnant quickly?

8-Fill up on vitamins for better sperm

Tell your husband to eat apples, lots of apples, bananas, manioc, lemon, honey, watermelon, potatoes, nuts, peanuts, mango, organic ginger preferably to avoid pesticides. Vitamin C improves the performance of spermatozoa. Spermatozoa need energy, so they need healthy sugar. How to get pregnant quickly? For more advice or precision please contact the Afrique Santé Bio center and discuss with Mr. Latifou

9-Preferring certain vegetables to get pregnant

On the Parents.fr forum, Joshetnath tells us an old saying from her grandmother: “Eat root vegetables and the little seed will take root”. Turnips, parsnips, sweet potatoes, beets, carrots and other root vegetables are your best bet!


While you are making love, be in the moment. Think very hard about what you’re doing and try to visualize the sperm moving up to the cervix. Mentally encourage them. Really think with faith that you are pregnant. Pray without ceasing. It will be done to you according to your faith. How to get pregnant quickly?

For more advice or precision please contact Afrique Santé Bio and discuss with Mr. Latifou

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