Herbal Tea 269: King of Herbs Virtues, Names in Local Languages



Vertus of King Grass 

Herbe aux sorciers in French is a plant with 290 virtues. Noungou in Dioula in Ivory Coast, Awovi Takin in Goun in Benin, Ageratum Conyzoides of Scientific name is a species of plant of the family of the Composites. It is the antibiotic and antiviral of the Africans. It is found in the savannahs and scrublands of tropical Africa, often also along roadsides. It is widely used in traditional African medicine. It is an herb less than one metre high. There are plenty in my village in Porto-Novo in Benin. It is a common plant and you will find the names in local languages later. Take your time so you don’t miss out on important information. There are many recipes to discover here. Enjoy the discovery. Throughout the article you will find the names in local languages or in pictures.

King of Herbs in Arabic = malik al’aeshab ( ملك الاعشاب )

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