Herbal 002: Moringa Benefits Moringa and Hepatitis B Moringa and Liver


Moringa Benefits Moringa and Hepatitis B Moringa and Liver. Discover here, how to use moringa to get rid of hepatitis b and hepatitis c

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Moringa Benefits Moringa and Hepatitis B Moringa and the Liver. Find here, how to use moringa to get rid of hepatitis b and hepatitis c. Indeed, Moringa oleifera extracts contain compounds with antiviral, antioxidant, and antibiotic properties. So, discover in this article if moringa can cure hepatitis B effectively.

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Moringa Benefits Moringa and Hepatitis B Moringa and Liver

What is Moringa?

Moringa oleifera is an african plant that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree.

Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. It also has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties

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What is hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). For some people, hepatitis B infection becomes chronic, meaning it lasts more than six months. Having chronic hepatitis B increases your risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis — a condition that permanently scars of the liver.

Most adults with hepatitis B recover fully, even if their signs and symptoms are severe. Infants and children are more likely to develop a chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis B infection.

Moringa Benefits : Know more here

Cure or Prevent

A vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, but there’s no medical cure if you have the condition. If you’re infected, taking certain precautions can help prevent spreading the virus to others. But Africbio center has one natural remedy that heals hepatitis b

Our Natural Remedy with Moringa Against Hepatitis B and C

The natural treatment that we offer to cure hepatitis B, like hepatitis C, is essentially made of natural herbal teas. It is one of the best natural remedies to cure hepatitis. The natural remedy for hepatitis is made up of plants that have been proven to work with dozens of cases resolved.

This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties just like moringa, which help in the treatment and prevention of liver problems. It also fights against the viruses responsible for hepatitis and provides the antioxidants that help maintain overall liver health. It helps the body fight viral infections and cleanse the liver.

For this treatment you are advised to use both moringa and our herbal tea. The combination of these remedies works wonders. Read on to find out the virtues of moringa. For further information on the mode of action of our herbal tea we invite you to click on the image above.

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Virtues Of Moringa: Moringa Benefits Moringa and Hepatitis B Moringa and Liver

The moringa benefits moringa include:
  • Protecting and nourishing skin and hair. …
  • Treating edema. …
  • Protecting the liver. …
  • Preventing and treating cancer. …
  • Treating stomach complaints. …
  • Fighting against bacterial diseases. …
  • Making bones healthier. …
  • Treating mood disorders


Moringa tea is obtained from the leaves of the tree of the same name, also called tree of life in its Indian homeland. We reveal how tea works, how you prepare it, and what alternatives at home exist.

The leaves of the Indian moringa (Moringa oleifera) are full of vitamins and minerals and boost metabolism. One of the reasons why Moringa is advertised as a superfood in this country. You can also make healthy tea from the dried leaves. The long transport not only causes CO2, but also ensures that some volatile nutrients are lost and that the dried leaves lose their effectiveness with us.

In addition, you can also get the healthy effects of Moringa leaves with nutrients from local herbs or fruits and vegetables. Besides, A mixture of nettle tea, horsetail and dandelion boosts metabolism, cleanses the liver and prevents hepatitis B.





Several studies have shown moringa to help heal and prevent liver damage. One study showed that moringa helps reduce liver damage while another study showed that moringa helped protect against hepatitis; another study showed how moringa can help prevent liver injury altogether.



Moringa helps restore liver enzymes in a damaged liver, according to one study. As mentioned earlier, the liver is responsible for blood detoxification, bile production, fat metabolism and overall nutrient processing. All of this is only possible with its enzymes, which help perform all of these functions.

When a liver is run down or overused, the enzymes can often be depleted, making your liver a lot less useful. Moringa helps get those enzymes back up and running.




Moringa is well-established as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation is essentially the root of all disease, the liver included. Your liver is responsible for glucose metabolism and bile production, both of which help digestion run properly.

When your diet is filled with lots of sugar and unhealthy fats, the liver goes a bit haywire. It starts releasing glucose back into the blood to make room for the incoming junk and gets taxed during the process. Moringa helps reduce inflammation both in the liver and the body so that the liver can work more efficiently to handle its many tasks. We added our Anti-Inflammatory Moringa Smoothie for a double-strength smoothie that also features ginger and turmeric for an added kick.



One of the liver’s main function is to reduce oxidative stress throughout the body. What happens when the liver has its own oxidative stress, though? It stops working properly.

The best way to help support the liver in combating free radicals and reversing oxidative stress is to provide it with a good supply of antioxidants. Moringa is loaded with antioxidants which serve the liver well in its detox process.


The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa help the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis run smoothly, which in turn helps the liver run smoothly. The HPA axis is basically what drives our fight-or-flight stress response. When we stressed, it signals a total body inflammatory response. This stress response does serious damage to the liver and if it carries on for long term can even lead to liver disease.

An unhealthy liver can lead to a host of problems, ranging from nutritive problems to poor psychological health. Moringa has been shown to help support the liver, protect against damage and even repair functioning in damaged livers. Moringa also supports brain health, reduces inflammation throughout the body and detoxifies the body through the digestive system. It makes sense then, why moringa can also help improve liver function too.

Add a scoop of moringa powder to your morning green smoothie or sip on some loose-leaf moringa tea. We have lots of ideas on the Perfect Moringa Smoothie, and also sell ready-to-go moringa smoothie mixes and shots.

Whatever way you choose to get your daily moringa, make it a habit. Take note of any changes in overall energy you feel too, when adding moringa to your daily routine. We would love to hear from you as you notice how moringa helps your overall health.

Moringa leaves also contain other valuable nutrients:

  • Iron and phosphorus which are important for blood and whole cell metabolism
  • Calcium for bone building
  • Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system
  • Vitamins E and B1, B2 for cell metabolism
  • Beta-carotene / vitamin A for the eyes and mucous membranes
  • Protein in smaller quantities

Local alternatives to Moringa tea

To avoid long journeys of transport from India or Africa, you can also boost your metabolism with local products. You haven’t combined all the active ingredients in one tea, but you can achieve the same effect with a diet.

A mixture of nettle tea, horsetail and dandelion boosts metabolism and flushes the liver and kidneys. With a serving of fresh spinach salad with chopped nuts and beets, you also got iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins C and E. In addition to a natural yogurt and carrots, you have also covered your daily calcium and beta-carotene needs.

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