Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment

Natural Treatment of Carpal Tunnel
Natural Treatment of Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment. Best remedy to get rid of carpal tunnel. Discover how to treat carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery. To buy the product join us on whatsapp

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DEFINITION: What is Carpal Carnnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a retraction of the median nerve at the wrist. It is squeezed into the carpal tunnel, a tunnel on the anterior side of the wrist that contains the tendons of the flexor muscles of the fingers and the median nerve. Stimulation of the median nerve, which is rich in sympathetic fibers, results in arterial spasm. The symptoms can also be the consequence of the compression of the radial artery which passes in the same place. This syndrome affects more women than men as well as individuals between 40 and 50 years and between 60 and 70 years.

Causes of  Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment

The flexion of the wrist and the movement of the fingers activate the muscles and tendons. When we take the example of a person bending a finger, the tendon moves about two inches. The tendons of the hand being coated with a sheath, they slide in a kind of sleeve. The inner wall of this sheath contains cells that produce a fluid that lubricates the tendons. This lubricating action is essential for the proper functioning of the tendons. When the hand makes repetitive or excessive movements, the tendon lubrication system may fail, either because it does not produce enough fluid or because the lubricating properties of the latter are poor. Whatever the cause, lack of lubrication causes the tendon to rub against the sheath, causing inflammation and swelling of the tendon. Since the tendon is larger, it compresses the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

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Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment: Symptoms

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes a slowdown in nerve impulses. The first symptoms are tingling sensations (or “paresthesia”) and tingling in the thumb, index and middle fingers, sometimes accompanied by a decrease in muscle strength in the affected wrist and hand. The pains are initially nocturnal and sleepless

then become almost permanent. In the most serious cases, a paralysis of the hand can occur, when the compression evolves in a prolonged way.

Complications of Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment

At a very advanced stage, paralysis of the hand can be observed. The loss of muscle strength prevents movement and gripping of objects. The fact of dropping objects repeatedly is a sign of the severity of the attack.

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Natural Treatment

To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, doctors usually order resting the hand and wrist, which usually involves time off work. It is also possible to wear a splint to immobilize the wrist, including during the night. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also be effective, as can the injection of cortisone.
When these treatments are ineffective, it may be necessary to perform carpal tunnel decompression surgery. By making an incision in the transverse carpal ligament, the pressure exerted on the median nerve is reduced, thus relieving the victim. Unfortunately, even though carpal tunnel syndrome has been treated, returning to work under the same conditions frequently causes recurrence. An improvement in ergonomic conditions at work or a change of job is therefore often necessary.

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